Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Next Always- Nora Roberts

Time to read: 3 days

Oh, Nora Roberts... I read her books like crazy throughout high school and a little after. Then I kind of got sick of the repetitiveness... I haven't read a Nora Roberts romance novel in a long time, at least 4 years or so. I do have to say, I missed her. ha ha. I know all of her books start and end the same way. A pair, who are attracted to each other and can't figure out why, fall in love but pretend they aren't, and then have some major event come between them where they "break up" and then get back together and have this great reunion. I have to say, that sounds kind of negative. Even though, I know how it works, I just can't help loving them. You just get so caught up in the stories by situation. I think that's how she gets you. As always, her books are a trilogy or quartet.. You usually can figure out who is going to get paired up by the first book. I do love the bridal quartet. I just love the friendships and how strong they are and how they are always there for each other. This book seems to be going along the same way and I know that once I have some time and finish this challenge, I'm going to finish the trilogy. Although, I get sick of the formula, I love NR books... Weird but true, such as I am.

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