Thursday, July 10, 2014

Accused- Lisa Scottoline

I won this book from a goodreads first reads giveaway. This is my first book by this author. I read a lot of books that are this type of genre. I have to say that it was just okay. I feel like she's trying to do what Janet evanovich does with the Stephanie plum books but doesn't come close. The plot was interesting enough because it was about a 13 year old girl who hired attorneys against her parents wishes to reopen the case of her murdered sister. I just didn't care much for the supporting characters. Her father got on my nerves with all the caps. I understand that she was trying to point out that he has trouble hearing but saying it would have been okay. Throughout the whole book, everything he says is in all caps. Her coworkers weren't that involved so it was pretty hard to get a feel for their characters and be able to relate to them. It might be because I haven't read any of the others.This book just really fell flat for me.

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